“joe” Why is coffee sometimes referred to as "joe" or "cup of joe." Perhaps it’s because "joe" refers to Josephus Daniels, the Secretary of the Navy during World War I who banned alcohol on Navy ships, making coffee the strongest drink available to sailors. Sailors began to call coffee "a cup of Joe" in reference to him. In truth, however, we just don’t know. But while the origin of this nickname is unclear "joe" has become a widely recognized and endearing term for coffee-drinkers throughout the U.S. and many of us can’t start the day with a cup of coffee. 66% of Americans drink coffee daily: 150 million in fact . Imagine daily life without coffee. Worse, imagine you are a soldier in battle and your are deprived of your “joe.” WW I ? No, WW II ? No. How about the American Civil War? Ten months into the War, the Union was short in short supply of coffee, and this threatened to sap the fighting strength of the Norther...