The Streets of Laredo Or maybe Laramie, Tombstone or …… Gunsmoke’s Miss Kitty was a madame on the radio prequel, but not on TV. Close your eyes and imagine you hear the muffled snorts, sighs, whinnys, nickers, grunts, of horses, and squeaks from buggy seats, wagons, and carts. But the sound that dins in your ears is that of simultaneous conversations, many of them, – not all in English - coupled with the unmistakable loud clang of a blacksmith’s hammer forming new shoes for Old Dollar. Weather beaten wooden buildings are in your vista, a feed store, telegraph office, a barber, the smithy and other businesses. Then there is the must have saloon – maybe two. You can faintly hear the out-of-tune honky-tonk piano. It’s “Oh, Suzanna.” This is the center of “main street” in fact the only street and you can ...
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